Friday 25 October 2013

Cafe Bon Bon

Amazing coffee, called a cafe Bon Bon, they are delicious and distracting, I can't help admiring the colours.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Carnival in Venice

I am delaying work by looking at images of the Venice Carnival, and here is my favourite, the angel in Florian's Cafe,  I've never forgotten sitting next to this guy in the cafe on St Mark's Square.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Mono Printing

I like the fact that in Mono Printing you have to make good with what may start out as a bit of an accident, computer work allows you to be so perfect, sometimes you need that nudge to take you into unexplored territory.  Here are some of the prints from Rosey Prince's Printing Without A Press Class, you too can do printing at the Art House with Rosey if you sign up in September.



Tuesday 6 August 2013

Return to the world of work...

The time has come for serious amounts of work and absolute self improvement, it can be done, plus mega hours at the studio so there will be no guilt factors pressing in from in any direction.

I have to admit it, I envy the gorgeous cafe at the Art Hub Studios, hopefully it is not open on a daily basis, or my jealousy would be all consuming.  However I do know myself and admit that I would spend far too much time in there, so  maybe just being able to make tea and coffee for myself is enough.

Back in London to be met by a pile of post including letter one saying that a distant relative has placed money in the bank of China for me and we really shouldn't let the government get it, with a handy email address at the top of the letter for me to reveal all my Bank Codes...  

It is a marvellous thing to consider that my coffee machine awaits me in the morning.  Studio, here I come, I hope you are as neat as I left you two weeks ago ...

Eating out

Waiting for my car brakes to be fixed, I am eating at Flowers Cafe Craven Arms, 
nice tea and toast.


Drawing is easy with the new I pad brush, I am sure it's a Faustian pact,

Saturday 13 July 2013

Art House Private Views

Remember to put Lewisham Art House, SE14 6PD on your map of places to visit.  Sign up to the Art House MailChimp letter to get info on what's happening @

Disapproving Children

The disapproving children form the beginnings of a story... What is it they don't like?

Monday 8 July 2013

Story about a bear

I am writing a story about a trapped bear, and considering the visual options.  What form should the bear take?  I am trying out different bears.

Sunday 24 March 2013


How can we be creative when it is SO cold?
How can summer be starting this weekend when there is SNOW!

Mahsiwel Private View

Don't forget to see Duval Timothy's work at Lewisham art House, the Mahsiwel show. Brave the weather and take yourself there, it's worth a visit.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Prince of Thorns

Mark Lawrence is having a graphic novel competition for The Prince of Thorns, check it out on and see if you fancy entering. I have enjoyed doing a drawing on my iPad for it. Am hoping to get started on my own Carnival of Terrors series soon.